1 - Child justice systems; age limits; age determination Children have a special position in the criminal justice system. They are different than adults in that their physical and psychological development points to lesser culpability and a higher capacity for rehabilitation. Büntethetőség alsó korhatára Büntető igazságszolgáltatási rendszer A törvénnyel összeütközésbe került gyermekek
2 - Children's rights at the Police Station Children are especially vulnerable when apprehended by police, either as a result of being taken into custody or in the context of any other contacts with the police Fogvatartás feltételei Védővel történő kapcsolatfelvétel első kapcsolatfelvétel a rendőrséggel Az áldozatok jogai
3 - Pretrial detention of children International law clearly mandates states to use pretrial detention only in exceptional circumstances, as a measure of last resort and for the shortest period of time A törvénnyel összeütközésbe került gyermekek előzetes letartóztatás
4 - Children's right in detention International law clearly mandates that detention should only be used as a last resort and for the shortest possible period of time.
5 - Fair trial guarantees for children The right to a fair trial, also known as due process, is laid out in most international human rights treaties and has been extensively analyzed by international courts, legislation and in the academia. Fogvatartás helyett alkalmazható intézkedések Védővel történő kapcsolatfelvétel Fogyatékos (fogyatékossággal élő gyerekek)
6 - Children's right to effective participation State Parties should ensure that the child who is capable of forming his or her views should express those views freely in all matters affecting the child. hatékony részvétel gyermekbarát eljárás
7 - Children's right to legal assistance Children’s right to legal assistance is a fundamental element of the right to a fair trial. The right to a lawyer has been recognized as early as 1985 when Rule 14.2 of the Beijing Rules provided for the right to be represented by a legal adviser througho Jogsegély A gyermekek ügyvédhez való joga Megfelelő és hatékony segítségnyújtás
8 - Diversion from formal judicial proceedings Diversion refers to alternatives to the formal judicial proceedings
9 - Sentencing of children Sentencing relates to the aftermath of trial when the domestic courts have found that a child has infringed criminal law. előzetes letartóztatás A büntetések arányossága
10 - Rights of children in vulnerable situations The notion of vulnerability has been addressed extensively in academic literature and it has also permeated the case law of international courts as well as various other international soft law instruments Fogyatékos (fogyatékossággal élő gyerekek) Kormeghatározás Kiszolgáltatottság Megfelelő és hatékony segítségnyújtás LGBTQI+